Friday, July 31, 2009

How exciting is this - my baby is the size of an orange!!! I am officially 15 weeks pregnant! I'm feeling pretty good, although work has been tough lately. I am absolutely exhausted by the end of the week...I am definitely living for relaxing weekends! I NEED them! I'm starting to get a little belly...but right now, I just look like I'm gaining weight. I'm currently in the "in-between" stage when people may be asking "is she, or isn't she?"...I hate this stage!!! I want my belly to pop!! I'm ready to show it off!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

These Three Things...

These Three Things...

Three names I go by:
1. Mindy
2. Wife (yes, Will actually calls me "Wife"!)
3. Boopsie....ridiculous name my Dad STILL calls me to this embarrassing!

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Accountant
2. Office Manager (or at least that's what I called myself when I worked for my Dad's company!!)
3. Waitress at Babe's Chicken in Roanoke (I was 16...greatest high school job EVER!)

Three Places I Have lived:
1. Denton, TX
2. Justin, TX
3. Stephenville, TX

Three Favorite Drinks:
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Beer or Wine....only #3 at the moment because I am not allowed to drink either right now!!

Three TV shows that I watch:
1. True Blood (looooovvveee it!! SOOKIE!)
2. Real Housewives of Wherever.....why do I think this show is soooo entertaining!?!?
3. Lost....although to my dismay, the new season does not start anytime soon :(

Three places I have been:
1. St. Lucia
2. Bahamas (Eleuthra)
3. Mexico

People that text me regularly:
1. Kendall
2. Will
3. Dawn

Three of my favorite foods:
1. Mexican...I have a two times per week minimum right now!
2. Anything dairy lately....don't know why, I usually don't eat like this....cheese, cheese, and ice cream!! I try to eat low fat cheese and frozen yogurt to offset my scared I am going to be HUGE! (Guess there really is no avoiding it...)
Tie for # 3:
3. Anything from Old West Cafe!!! I CRAVE this place!!
3. Mi Casita breakfast tacos - specifically potato, egg and cheese.....yum, yum!

Three things I am looking forward to:
1. The birth of our first child (due date is January 22, 2010!)
2. Cooler weather....I am usually a sun worshipper, but this summer has been HOT...and summer just isn't as fun when you're prego.
3. Will turning 30....I'm tired of being the "old lady"!! :)

Three things I cannot live without:
1. My Friends & Family
2. My Friends & Family
3. My Friends & Family (this includes Tex by the way!)

If you Read It....You're

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello 2nd Trimester!!

I am officially in my second trimester....whooohooo!! My little fetus is the size of my clenched fist! I am feeling better physically (I actually feel like getting out of the house!)...although I find myself struggling with my emotions...sorry Will! My abdomen is achy, and stomach actually feels like the muscles on either side are stretching and pulling....especially when I get up to too quickly or when I first get out of bed in the morning. It can be quite uncomfortable, but usually only lasts a minute or two. I suppose these are growing pains...

I am absolutely terrified of getting stretch marks. I know the lotions aren't really supposed to help, but I have already started to use them! I have already started work clothes are really tight this week...I have started wearing a bigger size. I don't think the person walking down the street can tell I am pregnant yet, but I can definitely tell...and so can Will! He absolutely LOVES it!! It is hilarious....he is enjoying every moment of this!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I finally had enough energy to get out and about for a while this past weekend...I think I needed it! We went to the Frisco Rough Riders game Saturday night to celebrate Kendall and Kristin's birthdays! It was really fun...I love watching baseball games, and I love ballpark hot dogs! The Rough Riders even won! I have to admit I was a little surprised at the difference between minor league games and the majors! There were a few more errors, but it was definitely entertaining! The Dr. Pepper ballpark in Frisco is really nice! We had a great time!

I'm not sure what we will do for the 4th of July this year....I just want to see fireworks!! For the last couple years, we have gone with the McCullough's to Lake Cypress Springs. After the Rough Riders game, I slept for almost 11 hours....then I napped all day Sunday. If a one night outing will zonk me out like that, I can only imagine what a day at the lake in the sun would do! It's kind of a bummer that we won't be with everyone, but hopefully we'll be back next year!

Tomorrow I will be 11 weeks pregnant! I know it may sound silly that I know exactly how pregnant I am to the day, but I can't help it! Everyday feels like an accomplishment!! I love it that Baby J is getting bigger and stronger every single day....he/she is two inches long now! Two more weeks until the second trimester! I can't wait...more energy please!

Monday, June 22, 2009

PCOS...why I feel so blessed to be pregnant

I have told very few people about the difficulties we had getting pregnant....but after some thought, I have decided it may be somewhat therapeutic to share my story. goes...

I stopped taking birth control about a year before I got pregnant. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and my doctor at the time mentioned that birth control pills could be the cause. Will and I talked about it, and decided it would be a good idea to stop taking them....if we got pregnant, we got pregnant. We were ready at this point, and both had the attitude that if it happens, it happens. At first, I thought all the irregularities could just be me coming off the pill - I had been taking it for years. After five months of missed or no periods, I went to another doctor....something had to be wrong. Sure enough, she diagnosed me with PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Basically, my hormones were all out of balance and I was not having a period or ovulating on my own...I was told PCOS is not curable, but it is treatable. The doctor gave me two choices....either get back on birth control pills to regulate my hormones and my cycle, or start taking a medication to induce a period and a medication to induce ovulation. I am, at this point 29 years old, and have been married for two plus me, the choice was obvious. If we plan on having a family, I need to take the this point, birth control seemed like taking steps backward. What if it took years??? We needed to start trying now...

For the next SEVEN months, we tried....and for the next SEVEN months, I did not ovulate. Nothing was happening!! I went into this with a positive attitude, but after months and months of negative test results, you really start to get discouraged. I do not consider myself to be a very emotional person, but this brought me to my knees. I can not explain the disappointment I faced on a monthly, make that daily basis....I'm not sure you can really understand the heartbreak unless you have been through it yourself.

Every month was exactly the same. Take provera to start my period...when your period starts, that is Day 1. Take clomid on days 7-10 to induce ovulation. Days 12-18 were reserved for ovulation test kits....these are the days I truly went nuts....they were NEVER positive! For the last few months, I would go into the office on Day 21 for a blood draw to check my hormones to see if I ovulated. Five weeks after my period, I took a pregnancy test, and if I it was negative, I would start the process all over again! There were a few times that I had to go into the office to get a sonogram to check to see if I had cysts on my ovaries. One month, I did, and we had to take a about's all about hurry up and WAIT...

You can only take clomid for so long, so I knew my chances were running out, and after seven months of going through the cycle, I can only try to explain where my thoughts were. I would never carry my own child. We would have to start saving up for expensive infertility treatments not covered by insurance. Would I ever be a mother? Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? I felt BROKEN....

I started taking things into my own hands. I starting eating better and working out, and dropped 20+ pounds. Getting healthy was probably the best thing I could have done for myself. People ask me where I got the motivation to lose weight....the baby I'm carrying now....that was my motivation! I prayed....and prayed. Well, our prayers were answered. The very first time I ovulated, I got pregnant!! I consider myself SO blessed! I know how lucky I am, even the nurses in the doctor's office said, "You got pregnant so fast!"....SO FAST?!?!? It seemed like an eternity to me!! I often think about all the women out there that are going through what I went through. It is such a painful process, but just hang in there, and your prayers will be answered too...

SO....if you begin to wonder why ALL I talk about is being pregnant, just know that it's because this is truly a gift we've been given....and I am thankful for it every second of every day. I will absolutely cherish this time, and I can not wait to meet my Baby J!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open....when will this end?!?! I have just entered the last month of my first trimester, so lets just REALLY hope this starts to subside in the next few weeks! I absolutely can not wait until this weekend....all I want to do is RELAX!! As I look around my dirty house, part of realizes that this will not happen...Monday will come in no time, and I will struggle just to push through another week. I am SO looking forward to regaining my energy!! I will just have to stay strong until that point...

I have my second appointment with the doctor tomorrow afternoon. I seriously need to sit down and make a list of questions! For some reason, I always forget EVERYTHING when I'm talking to the doctor...I lose my mind, but I have SO many questions!!

I wish I could see the baby again. I just want to know that he (or she) is okay. It's really hard this aren't showing, and some days you feel just fine, so you begin to wonder if you are really pregnant. I'm almost ready to have a baby bump just so I know for sure that something is going on in there!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby J

Our story begins....Will and I recently found out that we are expecting our first child at the end of January 2010! We couldn't be more excited, thrilled.....scared to death!! I am about 9 weeks along at this point, and let me tell you, it is definately an adventure. I had NO idea how absolutely exhausted I would be! It is ridiculous how tired I am at the end of the day, and it takes every bit of energy I do have to concentrate at work every day. I have been lucky in the fact that I have not been too sick. I have my moments of nausea, but so far, no "true" morning sickness. My husband, Will, recently had surgery on his knee. Let me tell you, it has really been a challenge! Here I am barely awake and pregnant, trying to hold it together for both of us!! I always complain that Will never does anything around the house, but when your husband is out of commission, it really makes you appreciate what he does contribute to the household!! I can't wait until he can walk without crutches again! It is my turn to be taken care of :)

Back to "Baby J" as we are calling him (or her) for the time being. We had our first sonogram last Friday! It was scheduled for 4:30 in the afternoon, and let me tell you...Friday was the longest day of my life! I was soooo nervous!!!! The good news is that everything went well, and Baby J looks perfect!!! We saw and heard the heartbeat!!! It was absolutely the sweetest sound I have ever heard in my life!

A special thank you Kendall for setting up my blog (now it's up to me to keep it going!).